Truth about Thai prostitutes, the bar-girl’s Top Ten Commandments.
Translated from Thai language, these forms are available in Pattaya to ALL newbies from Isaan. They are handed out as soon as the girls arrive in Sin City.
This is how the Thai girls view foreigners. (Known as the White Book)
Thai bar girls commandments.
1. When looking for customers, it is very important to ensure you pick your customer correctly. Thailand have many people who don’t have a lot of money.
2. You have customer, forget all, not worry if he is very ugly, over weight, smells very bad.
Always tell your customer that he makes you happy and he is handsome. Important to remember that he has paid the bar, the rest is easy.
3. If customer go home, it’s not the end of your work with them. Get his e-mail address’s and keep in contact with him. This is easy for you to get the customer again when he comes back.
If you have contact with him, you can request money from the Farang when he be home. Most Farang have a soft heart.
A good way to ask for money is to say you have a sick buffalo. Failing that your mother/father been sick or been pregnant is the best way to ask for money.
4. Farangs are soft, tears from the eyes can make them easy softer. It is important to be able to cry on ‘queue.’ This will give you a chance getting more presents or money from the Farang. Thai girls need to be a pro and producing crocodile tears on command.
5. Your customer stay longer then 2 nights, you request he take you out for shopping.
Gold is an excellent item to get. Makes your customer happy you wear it while he is in Thailand. As soon as he leaves you can sell it at the gold shop.
6. If you working in the bar, and local ex-pats are there, speak in your local dialect.
Many Farangs can speak Thai which it make not easy for us. Important that the Thai local and Thai regional dialects remain just for Thai people.
Learn to cry on command
7. Your customer leaving Thailand, go with him to the airport. Many times he will have thousands of baht left over. The Farang be happy to give it to you as he can’t use in his country. When you say good bye, start to cry and ask him for email addresses.
8. You can better have Asian customers. They understand our love to gamble and that we have many sisters and brothers at home who need food. They generally pay more then a Farang do. (Japanese/Korean’s pay very well). –
9. When you leave your customer, ask for Taxi money. Even when you live next door. This help you for another 200-300 baht easily. The Farang complains about your taxi paying, remember the cry on command. This will be your ticket for more money. Explain it is dangerous to walk and you live far away.
10. If you not make money in your chosen city, it’s time to move. Pattaya, Bangkok and Phuket are choices to find the Walking ATM’s, Farangs with money. – ThaiMBC
Source - Bangkok Jack